Need help | Get in touch with Sefton Unison

Got a problem? Please get in touch as soon as you possibly can. The sooner we know, the better we can help…

  • Please have your membership number ready if you know it
  • Plus any other relevant information to your issue
  • If urgent or faced with imminent disciplinary or dismissal – Contact us immediately on 0151 928 9911

    What should we call you?

    Your Membership Number if known please

    Can we call you?

    Please let us know where you work (organisation or place) so the right person can help

    Let us know what you need help with

    Please prove you are human by selecting the heart.

    Tick here to allow us to hold your personal information solely so that we can respond to this form & addressing related issues

    National Helpline

    If you need UNISON help or information fast and can’t contact your union rep or branch – or don’t know who they are – call UNISONdirect. This is the union’s helpline for members, stewards, potential members and the general public.

    UNISONdirect can be contacted by telephone or online form:

    Lines are open from 6am to midnight on Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday. Outside these times, you can leave an answerphone message and UNISONdirect will call you back.