Tony Braisby, a long-serving and highly respected and valued member of UNISON’s editorial team, sadly died recently after a series of health battles. He was 63.
Tony had been a stalwart of the editorial team and the wider communications department since he joined UNISON from the Morning Star in 1996.
A plain-speaking, proud Yorkshireman and legendary Castleford Tigers fan, Tony was dedicated to the union and the wider trade union movement and worked on everything from Activist (previously known as InFocus) emails and magazines, together with U magazine and the launch of the UNISON website.
Diligent, professional and a marvellous colleague with a natty line in waistcoats, Tony was a mine of UNISON knowledge, knowing so many members of staff, activists and members over the years – and serving them all so well. He had also covered more UNISON conferences than anyone should ever have to.
Tony is survived by his partner Amanda Kendal and will be much missed by all of us.
Rest in peace Tony.
Readers can donate in Tony’s memory to a cause very close to his heart:
The article Tony Braisby first appeared on the UNISON National site.
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