The UK is currently experiencing a wave of industrial action as workers struggle with rising inflation and wages that are not keeping track.
And the Westminster government is refusing to hold meaningful talks with unions as general secretary Christina McAnea discusses in her latest blog.
As UNISON members have been taking sustained industrial action for some time now, across different sectors, the union is now welcoming donations to our strike fund.
You can make a one-off bank transfer or set up a regular standing order to:
Account name: UNISON
Account no: 20170693
Sort code: 60-83-01
Reference: If you want your donation to go to the health strike fund, please use the reference health.
If you want your donation to go to Environment Agency, please use the reference env.
If you don’t use a reference it will go to the general strike fund.
The article Donate to support striking workers first appeared on the UNISON National site.
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